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I am laughing through pain. That's right. I am laughing at my pain. Oh wait - this really does hurt.


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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Migraines gone?? Sadly no...'s good, it's just keeps going. I thought I was coasting along after my last round of botox and then a Friday full of stress brings a migraine filled painful night. It left me feeling very defeated. I was feeling that there is never going to be a solution for these unbelievably painful experiences. I was feeling like I am never going to be able to get away from taking medicine to bandaid the experience of migraine.

Because I refuse to stay in that space, I tried to find something that could lift my spirits. I started to focus on the fact that I am not living with headaches everyday which means I am not under a constant threat of a migraine attack. This is a good thing and it is a drastic improvement. I still have that pinch in my shoulder that gives me a headache. And, this is frustrating.

So, up down up down up down. I am reminded that I need to get my stress under control, again. And, I need to continue with all of my movement towards health.

On a positive note...I spent the evening with my brother and his wife last night. They bought a beautiful home and have 3 new puppies (which are the off spring of their other 2 dogs). He is going to be a daddy in 3 months which means that I will be an adoring Aunt in 3 months. Holy smokes! Me? An Aunt? This will be interesting.... ;)

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